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- Archaeologic.com - Archaeoastronomy
- Center for Archaeoastronomy
- Archaeoastronomy.com
- Ancient Astronomy
- Archaeoastronomy Programs
- Oxford Conferences on Archaeoastronomy
- Archaeology, Archaeoastronomy, and Ancient Civilizations
- Archaeoastronomy and the Search of Ancient Observatories
- The Morien Institute - Skywatching Through the Ages
- Archaeoastronomy - Chaco Canyon
- Archaeoastronomy in Denmark
- Archaeoastronomy in Mounds State Park
- The Shaw Butte Prehistoric Observatory in Phoenix, Arizona
- Astronomy Among Ancient Tombs and Relics in Asuka, Japan
- Geniet: Research on Maes Howe, Orkney, UK
- Maya Astronomy
- Mesoamerican Archaeoastronomy
- Astronomy in the Mayan World
- Mesoamerican Archaeoastronomy
- Archaeoastronomy, About the grooves in Gotland, Sweden
- Archaeoastronomy, Cloudbait Observatory
- Archaeoastronomy at Stonehenge
- Astro-Arhcaeology at Sontehenge
- Irish Archaeoastronomy
- Heliocentric System and Precession of Equinoxes on the floor of the Tholos at Epidaurus Greece
- Archaeo-astronomical hypotheses on some ligurian engravings
- Archaeoastronomy in Egypt
- Oldest Astronomical Megalith Alignment Discovered in Southern Egypt
- The Kanayama Megaliths and Solar Calendar
- Archaeoastronomy
- Archaeoastronomy: A Survey of Prehistoric Sites in South Wales
- Sahara Africa Rock Art Drawings Astronomical Solution
- Astronomy Among Ancient Tombs and Relics in Asuka, Japan
- Archaeo-Astronomical Tables of Prehistoric Sites in South Wales
- Archaeoastronomy - Aenigmatis: Megaliths
- Ancient Astronomy: Is Sarhara 'Stonehenge' the Oldest?
Books from 
How the Shaman Stole the Moon: In Search of Ancient Prophet-Scientists from Stonehenge to the Grand Canyon
The History & Practice of Ancient Astronomy
Stonehenge Decoded
Stonehenge: A Closer Look
Archaeoastronomy in the 1990s
Astronomies and Cultures: Papers Derived from the Third "Oxford" International Symposium on Archaeoastronomy, St. Andrews, Uk, September 1990
In Search of Ancient Astronomies
Archaeoastronomy in the Americas
Archaeoastronomy in Pre-Columbian America
The Sky in Mayan Literature
Early Man and the Cosmos
World Archaeoastronomy : Selected Papers from the 2nd Oxford International Conference on Archaeoastronomy Held at Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, 13-17 January 1986
Ethnoastronomy & Archaeoastronomy in the American Tropics
Astronomy and Ceremony in the Prehistoric Southwest

Archaeoastronomy Books